
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Buyer's Remorse Lesson: Always Trust Your Instincts

Hello. My name is Chelsea and I used to suffer from CBR [Chronic Buyer's Remorse]. But, since I married an accountant and was introduced to Dave Ramsey's Baby Steps, I have learned am learning how to have self-control in my spending. [Much improved, but always room to do better]. I was on such a roll...until a couple weeks ago.

I went shopping with an interior designer friend of mine and walked into Pottery Barn. Before stepping foot inside I was already telling myself "Don't buy anything, don't buy anything...As MUCH as you want it...DON'T BUY ANYTHING!" [I absolutely LOVE Pottery Barn, and mean no disservice to them. Their prices however, are most often not in the budget.] As we walked around, new thoughts started taking over, "Me likey... Oh! I totally NEED that!" 

We started talking about how plants are good to use throughout the house and fake plants are great for those, like ME, who can't keep anything alive...plants, fish...hmmm, if only this trend held true for my dog. Just kidding! *Sorta ;) Then we found this great fern and the justifying began... "The real one I have is dying... Once I kill four plants, this will have paid for itself!... It looks so REAL!"

Isn't she perty?! Yeah, until you see the price tag!


$25 for a fake plant?! Where did my brain decide to go that day? Anyways, I bought it and brought it home... AND IT DIDN'T EVEN WORK WHERE I PLANNED TO PUT IT!

Too big for my tea bag jar turned planter :(

Mmmm...what to do, what to do? A little research and I learned that not only does IKEA have great prices [actually I already knew that one], but they also have great fake plants [news to me!]. For the price of one plant at Pottery Barn, I bought FOUR plants at IKEA! [And no plant killing necessary...yippe!]

Not only does it fit the jar, it looks MORE real than Pottery Barn's.

So, lesson learned would be... trust your instincts when making purchases. If you feel guilty BEFORE buying something, you'll definitely feel guilty AFTER buying it. If you LOVE, LOVE, LOOOVE it, but it's not in the budget, there's always something else that will be close enough. And who knows, it might just look better than the real deal!

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